

  • 日本語
  • English









第1章 総則



  • 2 本約款において、以下の用語の意義は、特に文脈上他の意義を有することが明らかな場合を除いて、それぞれ各号に定めるところによる。
    • (1)「球場」とは、試合の行われる球場をいい、「球場管理者」とは当該球場を管理運営する主体をいう。
    • (2)「試合」とは、プロフェッショナル野球の年度連盟選手権試合、非公式試合、出場選手以外の支配下選手による試合、その他の試合をいう。
    • (3)「試合観戦契約」とは、入場券の券面記載の日時及び場所における球場への入場並びに入場券により指定された座席又は場所における試合観戦に関わる契約をいう。
    • (4)「入場券」とは、主催者又は主催者からの委託を受けた者が発行した球場への入場及び試合観戦のための証票をいう。
    • (5)「正規入場券」とは、入場券のうち、試合観戦を希望する者が、主催者又は主催者の指定する者から取得したもの又は第4条の定めに違反することなく第三者から取得したものをいい、それら以外の態様で取得された入場券、副券が切り離された入場券、入鋏済みの入場券、その他主催者が別途定める入場券を含まない。
    • (6)「主催者の職員等」とは、主催者の役員及び正社員のほか、契約社員、パートタイマー、アルバイト、派遣社員その他主催者の指揮監督に服する者及び請負契約、委託契約その他の契約に基づき主催者のために役務を提供する警備員、球場管理者の関係者その他の者をいう。
    • (7)「本プロ野球約款」とは、本約款、当球団以外の一般社団法人日本野球機構に属する球団及び一般社団法人日本野球機構が定めた試合観戦に関する約款をいい、文脈上明らかに特別応援許可規程並びに写真・動画等の撮影及び配信・送信規程を除外している場合を除き、下部規程である特別応援許可規程並びに写真・動画等の撮影及び配信・送信規程等を当然に含む。

第2章 観戦契約



  • 2 正規入場券を有する者は、正規入場券の定めに従い、本約款及び主催者が予め告知した条件に基づき、球場に入場し、指定された座席又は場所において試合を観戦することができる。
  • 3 観客は、球場への入場に際し、主催者所定の方法により、正規入場券を提示したうえで改札を受けるものとし、また、入場後においても球場を退出するまでの間、正規入場券の半券を保持し、主催者の職員等の求めがある場合、これを提示しなければならない。
  • 4 入場券及び入場に関する細目については、第7条の規定によるほか、別途、主催者において定めるものとする。


  • (1)暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年5月15日 法律第77号)第2条の暴力団又はこれに類する反社会的団体(以下、「暴力団等」という)に所属する者(以下、「暴力団員等」という)
  • (2)暴力団員等でなくなった時から5年を経過しない者
  • (3)暴力団等又は暴力団員等と組織上又は業務上の関係を有し又は当該関係を有する団体に所属する者
  • (4)暴力団等又は暴力団員等に対し、資金その他の便益を提供し又は社会的に相当と認められない密接な関係を有する者
  • (5)第4条に違反する行為を目的として入場券を取得する者
  • (6)試合(主催者の主催しないものも含む)において、第4条に違反する行為、球場もしくはその管理区域内での行為又は組織的な応援に関する活動に関連して罰金以上の刑の言渡を受け、当該裁判の確定の日から5年を経過しない者
  • (7)自ら又は第三者を通じ、主催者が別途定める一人あたりの取得制限枚数を超えて入場券を取得する者(団体の場合は当該団体に所属する者すべてを対象とする)
  • (8)第11条により販売拒否対象者として指定された者
  • (9)その他入場券の販売をしないこととする相当の理由があると主催者が判断した者




  • (1)銃砲刀剣類、花火、爆竹、劇薬物、その他の危険物
  • (2)著しい悪臭を放ち、観戦を妨げる音量を発し、又は、その他の態様で他の観客の観戦を妨げる虞のある物
  • (3)ビン、缶類、アイスボックス及びこれらに類する物
  • (4)ペットその他の動物(但し、盲導犬、聴導犬等を除く)
  • (5)過度な座席確保を目的とする物
  • (6)その他主催者又は球場管理者が別途指定する物
  • 2 前項の実効性を確保するため、主催者は、入場時に観客の鞄、袋その他の開披及び内容の提示を求め、手荷物検査を行うことができる。


  • (1)正規入場券を所持せず又はその提示をしない者
  • (2)第3条の販売拒否事由に該当する者
  • (3)第5条1項の持込禁止物の持込をしようとし又は同条2項の手荷物検査に応じない者
  • (4)第8条の禁止行為に違反し又はその虞のある者
  • (5)著しく酒気を帯びている者
  • (6)試合の円滑な進行を妨害し又はその虞のある者
  • (7)他の観客の観戦に著しい支障を生じる行為を行ない又はその虞のある者
  • (8)その他入場を拒否することが相当と主催者が判断した者

第3章 観戦



  • 2 何人も、試合観戦において、次条及び第9条に定めるほか、主催者が適宜定める注意事項を遵守し、また、主催者の職員等による指示を遵守しなければならない。


  • (1)正規入場券により指定された座席以外の座席を占拠し、又は、通路、階段、出入り口等でたむろしもしくは観戦する行為
  • (2)自らの試合観戦に不要な自由席や立ち見エリア等を確保する行為
  • (3)フラッシュ、光線、その他これらに類するものを使用した試合妨害の虞のある行為
  • (4)球場の施設及び物品の毀損行為
  • (5)物品販売、宣伝広告、アンケート又はチラシの配布その他これらに類する行為
  • (6)他の観客及び監督、コーチ、選手、主催者及びその職員等、販売店その他の球場関係者への威嚇、作為又は不作為の強要、暴力、誹謗中傷その他の迷惑を及ぼす行為
  • (7)座席の確保、応援、観戦その他に関し他の観客に対し金品その他の利益を求める行為
  • (8)グラウンドへの乱入、客席、コンコース、グラウンド等への物品の投げ入れ、フェンス、ダグアウト、柵、手すり、ネット等へのよじ登り又はぶら下がり行為、グラウンド内に身を乗り出す行為、その他自己又は他人の生命、身体、財産に危険を及ぼす虞のある行為
  • (9)グラウンド、バックスクリーンその他の立入禁止場所への立入行為
  • (10)宴会、パーティ、賭博、麻雀、その他試合観戦にふさわしくない行為
  • (11)みだりに球場外で気勢を上げ騒音を出す行為
  • (12)球場管理者の定める球場管理に関する規則又は球場での掲示その他の方法で告知された注意事項に違反する行為
  • (13)試合の円滑な進行又は他の観客の観戦を妨げ又は妨げる虞のある行為
  • (14)入場券を犯罪の用に供する行為
  • (15)ボール等の追いかけ、その他理由の如何を問わず、他の観客に損害を及ぼしうる行為
  • (16)写真・動画等の撮影及び配信・送信規程並びに主催者の職員等の指示に反する行為
  • (17)本項各号に定める行為を共同で行い、又は教唆、ほう助する行為
  • 2 前項の規定に違反した者(団体の場合はその構成員全員。本項において以下同じ)又は主催者の職員等がこれに準じた相当の理由があると判断した者は、身分証明書の提示、顔写真の提示その他主催者の職員等の指示する事項に従わなければならない。


  • (1)トランペット、太鼓、カネ、笛その他の楽器又はこれに類する物を使用した応援
  • (2)応援旗、横断幕等の他の観客の観戦に支障を及ぼす虞のある物を使用した応援
  • (3)観客を組織化し又は観客の応援を統率して行われる集団による応援
  • (4)その他当球団が別途指定した方法による応援
  • 2 何人も、試合の応援において、主催者が適宜定める注意事項を遵守し、また、主催者の職員等による指示に従わなければならない。
  • 3 本条1項の許可の基準及び手続は、別途、当球団において定める。

第4章 違反に対する措置



  • (1)第3条の販売拒否事由に該当する者である場合
  • (2)第5条1項の持込禁止物を球場内に持ち込んだ場合
  • (3)第6条の入場拒否事由に該当する者である場合
  • (4)第8条の禁止行為に違反した場合
  • (5)第9条に基づく許可を得た者又は団体が、その許可の範囲を逸脱し又は許可に付された条件に反する行為を行った場合
  • (6)主催者の職員等による指示を遵守しない場合
  • (7)その他前各号に準じる退場事由があると主催者が判断した場合
  • 2 主催者が退場を相当と認める場合において、主催者の職員等の退場要求にもかかわらず観客が退場をしない場合、主催者は、警察へ通報し又は相当と認められる限度で退場を促すための措置を講じることができる。


  • 2 前項の場合において、当該違反者が応援を行う団体に所属する場合、主催者は、事情により、当該団体の構成員及び当該団体と同一の連合組織に属する他の団体の構成員及び当該違反のときに構成員であった者につき、第3条の販売拒否対象者として指定する。
  • 3 第3条1号乃至7号及び9号に該当する者が応援を行う団体に所属する場合、主催者は、事情により、当該団体の構成員、当該団体と同一の連合組織に属する他の団体の構成員並びに当該該当者と同時期に同一の団体又は連合組織に所属したことがある者につき、第3条の販売拒否対象者として指定する。
  • 4 第5条1項各号、第8条1項各号、第9条1項各号及び2項に違反する行為を集団的かつ継続的に行った者で、主催者が当該行為を悪質であると判断するとき、主催者は、当該違反者及びその集団に属する者を第3条の販売拒否対象者として指定する。
  • 5 本プロ野球約款に複数回以上違反した者で、執行猶予付き有罪判決以上の刑の言い渡しを受け、当該裁判の確定の日から5年を経過しない者につき、主催者は第3条の販売拒否対象者として指定することができる。
  • 6 何人も、主催者の前5項の判断に何ら異議を出すことはできない。
  • 7 本条1項乃至5項の指定を受けた者は、身分証明書の提示、顔写真の提示その他主催者の職員等の指示する事項に従わなければならない。
  • 8 主催者は、本条1項乃至5項の指定を受けた者が、その行為を反省し、今後当該違反行為の虞がないと認めた場合、プロ野球暴力団等排除対策協議会における協議を経たうえで、当該指定を解除することがある。
  • 9 主催者は、前項の指定解除に関する判断のために必要と認めるときは、特定の試合又は特定の期間の試合につき経過観察の期間を設け、当該期間内の観戦又は応援の態度が良好であったことを条件とすることができる。

第5章 入場料の払戻等



  • 2 前項に定めるほか、入場料の払戻の条件及びその詳細は、別途、主催者において定める。但し、払戻事由の如何を問わず、正規入場券以外の入場券の払戻はしない。


  • (1)ホームラン・ボール、ファール・ボール、その他試合、ファンサービス行為又は練習行為に起因する損害
  • (2)暴動、騒乱等の他の観客の行為に起因する損害
  • (3)球場施設に起因する損害
  • (4)本約款その他主催者の定める規則又は主催者の職員等の指示に反した観客の行為に起因する損害
  • (5)第6条の入場拒否又は第10条の退場措置に起因する損害
  • (6)前各号に定めるほか、試合観戦に際して、球場及びその管理区域内で発生した損害
  • 2 前項但書の場合において、主催者又は球場管理者が負担する損害賠償の範囲は、治療費等の直接損害に限定されるものとし、逸失利益その他の間接損害及び特別損害は含まれないものとする。但し、主催者若しくは主催者の職員等又は球場管理者の故意行為又は重過失行為に起因する損害についてはこの限りでない。
  • 3 観客は、練習中のボール、ホームラン・ボール、ファール・ボール、ファンサービスのために投げ入れられたボール等の行方を常に注視し、自らが損害を被ることのないよう十分注意を払わなければならない。

第6章 その他





第7章 附則



  • 2 本約款は、年度連盟選手権試合開催期間中といえども、主催者において改訂することができ、改訂された約款は、当該改訂の施行日以降に開催される試合に関する試合観戦契約に適用される。






  • 2 当球団は、本規程に基づく場合のほか、本約款第9条1項各号に規定された態様による応援の許可をしない。


  • 2 前項の許可申請を行う団体は、当球団所定の許可申請書に以下の事項を記載し、代表者が署名押印をしたうえで、これを当球団に提出しなければならない。
    • (1)団体名
    • (2)代表者名
    • (3)団体の連絡先
    • (4)構成員(経常的に応援団方式の応援に関わる者を含む。以下、同じ。)の数
    • (5)構成員の氏名、住所、連絡先を記載した名簿
    • (6)応援形態
    • (7)その他当球団が求める事項
  • 3 本条に基づく許可申請を行う団体が、連合組織に属する場合、当該団体は、連合組織を構成する各応援団の名称、連合組織の役員の氏名その他当球団が求める事項を記載した書面を当球団に提出しなければならない。
  • 4 本条に基づく許可申請を行う団体は、許可申請書とあわせて、当該団体の構成員全員が本約款第3条の規定に該当しないこと、本約款及び本規程の規定を遵守すること、複数の球団の応援に同時に関わっていないこと並びに当該団体の構成員各自が一般の観客の模範たる応援リーダーとしての自覚をもって活動を行うことを確約した書面を当球団に提出しなければならない。
  • 5 本条に基づく許可申請を行う団体は、許可申請書、許可申請書の添付書類、その他の関係書類に虚偽の記載又は不記載をしてはならない。
  • 6 本条に基づく許可申請の後、許可申請書又はその添付書類に記載した事項に変更が生じた場合、当該団体は、速やかに当該変更を書面で当球団に提出しなければならない。
  • 7 当球団は、適宜、本条に基づく許可申請手続の細則を定めることができる。


  • 2 名簿等に記載された情報は全て、日本野球機構、日本プロフェッショナル野球組織を構成する連盟及び球団、並びに、球場管理者において、それらの者の関係する試合に関し、前項の利用目的の範囲で、共同で利用する。
  • 3 当球団は、他に法令で認められる場合のほか、名簿等を、警備会社その他第1項の目的を達するために必要な範囲で、日本野球機構、日本プロフェッショナル野球組織を構成する連盟及び球団、球場管理者、並びに、球団又は球場管理者の委託を受けた第三者に対して提供する。
  • 4本条に定めるほか、当球団は、名簿等を当球団において別途定める個人情報保護規定に従って管理する。


  • 2 第2条の許可申請を行う団体は、当該許可申請手続に関し、当球団の職員等に金品その他の便宜の提供又は提供の申込をし、その他許可申請手続の公正を疑われる行為を行ってはならない。
  • 3 当球団は、第5条の事由に該当する団体につき、当該事由の生じた時期、当該事由の内容、当該事由に関する構成員の状況、その他一切の事情を考慮したうえで、当球団において適当と認める場合には、当該団体について応援団方式の応援を許可することがある。
  • 4 当球団は、1項及び3項の判断のために必要と認めるときは、許可申請を行う団体につき、特定の試合又は特定の期間の試合に限り、試験的に応援団方式の応援を許可することがある。
  • 5 1項及び3項の許可は、連盟選手権試合の年度毎に、期間を特定して行う。


  • (1)本約款第3条各号の事由の一に該当する構成員が過去又は現在所属し又は関与したことのある団体
  • (2)当球団又は当球団以外の者の主催する試合において退場措置を受けたことのある構成員が過去又は現在所属し又は関与したことのある団体
  • (3)本約款第8条各号の一に違反し又は違反する虞がある構成員が過去又は現在所属し又は関与したことのある団体
  • (4)当球団の定めた条件又は当球団の職員等の指示を遵守せず又は遵守しない虞がある構成員が過去又は現在所属し又は関与したことのある団体
  • (5)複数の球団の応援に同時に関わる構成員がいる団体
  • (6)当該団体が連合組織に属する場合において、過去又は現在における当該連合組織の役職員、運営責任者その他これに類する地位の者が本約款第3条各号の事由の一に該当する団体
  • (7)当該団体が連合組織に属する場合において、過去又は現在における当該連合組織の役職員、運営責任者その他これに類する地位の者が本約款第8条各号の一に違反し又は違反する虞のある団体
  • (8)当該団体が連合組織に属する場合において、当該連合組織の役職員、運営責任者その他これに類する地位の者が当球団の定めた条件又は当球団の職員等の指示を遵守せず又は遵守しない虞があると認められる団体
  • (9)当該団体の応援の実情、組織の状況、その他一切の事情に鑑み、真摯に試合の応援を行い、かつ、当球団の試合運営に積極的な協力を行うと認めることのできない団体
  • (10)その他応援団方式の応援を認めるのが適当であると認められない相当の理由がある団体


  • 2 当球団は、当球団が適当と認めるときは、第4条の許可を受けた団体(以下、「許可団体」という)に対し、当該団体の応援が円滑かつ秩序だって行われることを確保するために、当球団が適切と認める限度において、特定区域の座席を確保し、また、本約款第9条1項(1)号、(2)号又は(4)号の応援を許可する。
  • 3 当球団は、適宜、本条1項の条件及び前項の許可の内容を自由に変更することができる。




  • 2 当球団は、第4条、第6条及び第7条に基づく許可等の判断に関し理由の告知は行わない。




  • 2 許可団体及びその構成員は、当球団の職員等に金品その他の便宜の提供又は提供の申込をし、その他本規程の運用の公正を疑わせるような行為を行ってはならない。
  • 3 許可団体及びその構成員は、本規程に基づく許可を濫用し又は濫用を疑われるような行為を行ってはならない。
  • 4 許可団体は、その構成員に対し、本約款並びに本規程及び本規程に基づく許可の条件を遵守させなければならない。


  • 2 許可団体は、当球団に対し、その構成員が本約款第3条の事由に該当すること又は本約款第8条の違反を行ったことを認めた場合、速やかに、書面をもって当該事実を報告しなければならない。
  • 3 許可団体は、前2項のほか、当球団の求める事項につき、当球団の求める態様による報告をしなければならない。


  • 2 本約款において定義された語は、特に文脈上他の意義を有することが明らかな場合を除いて、本規程においても、本約款で定義された意義を有する。

Outline of the "Provisions of the Game Watching Contract" and "Rules on Permission for Special Cheering"

An outline of the "Provisions of the Game Watching Contract" and "Rules on Permission for Special Cheering" is as follows:

(They are abbreviated as "Provisions" and "Rules.")

(1) Peaceful game watching right

The purpose is to maintain the smooth progress of any professional baseball game and the safe and peaceful watching of any game by the spectators (Article 1 of the Provisions).

(2) Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups

The Host Organization such as clubs, etc. may refuse to sell admission tickets or refuse entry to persons, etc., who belong to an organized crime group or a similar anti-social group. If it is found that they are such persons after they have entered the stadium, the Host Organization may have them leave the stadium (Articles 3, 6 and 10 of the Provisions).

(3) Prohibition of the resale of admission tickets

The resale of admission tickets that is conducted for profit or business purposes is prohibited without the permission of the Host Organization (Article 4 of the Provisions).

(4) Articles that are prohibited to bring in

Any act of bringing dangerous articles, bottles/cans, etc. into the stadium is prohibited (Article 5 of the Provisions).

(5) Prohibited acts

Any act to occupy more undesignated seats or space than necessary, to intrude into the stadium, to throw things into the stadium, etc. is prohibited (Article 8 of the Provisions).

(6) Permission system for special cheering groups

Cheering using musical instruments requires the permission of the Host Organization (Article 9 of the Provisions). A cheering group who wishes to carry out Group Cheering shall submit an application for permission designated by NPB, who then grants permission if it judges that the cheering group is qualified. If such group violates the Provisions or the Rules, NPB may revoke such permission or suspend the permission for a certain period of time (Articles 2,4,5,6 and 7 of the Rules).

(7) Refusal of entry and measures to prompt violators to leave the stadium

If a person tries to bring prohibited articles into the stadium or carries out any prohibited act, etc., the Host Organization may refuse entry to such a person or make the person leave the stadium (Articles 6 and 10 of the Provisions).

(8) Designation of a person to whom the Host Organization may refuse to sell an admission ticket

If a person brings prohibited articles into the stadium or carries out a prohibited act, etc., the Host Organization may designate such person as a person to whom the Host Organization shall/may refuse to sell an admission ticket (Article 11 of the Provisions).

Provisions of the Game Watching Contract

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)
  • 1.The provisions of this contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Provisions") specify matters concerning the watching by spectators of games that are hosted by the Nippon Professional Baseball Organization (hereinafter referred to as "NPB") and any person who has obtained permission of entertainment concerning the games from the NPB (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Host Organization" together with NPB) and thus aim to ensure the smooth progress of any game and the safe and peaceful watching of the game by the spectators.
  • 2.The meaning of the following terms shall be specified as below unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
    • (1)Stadium" means the stadium where the game is held and the "Stadium Manager" shall mean the organization that manages and operates the stadium.
    • (2)Game" means annual NPB league championship games, non-official games, farm games and any other games of professional baseball.
    • (3)Game watching contract" means a contract concerning entry to the stadium at the date, time and place mentioned on the face of the admission ticket and watching of the game at the seat or place designated according to the admission ticket.
    • (4)"Admission ticket" means a certificate for entering the stadium and watching of the game that is issued by the Host Organization or a person entrusted by the Host Organization.
    • (5)"Regular admission ticket" out of the types of admission tickets means a ticket that a spectator wishing to watch a game obtains from the Host Organization or a person designated by the Host Organization or from a third party without violating the provisions of Article 4 and does not include an admission ticket obtained by other means, an admission ticket whose stub is cut off, an admission ticket cut with scissors or any other tickets separately specified by the Host Organization.
    • (6)Staff, etc., of the Host Organization" includes contracted employees, part-time workers, casual workers, dispatched employees, other employees working under the supervision of the Host Organization, security officers providing services for the Host Organization based on a consignment contract, service agreement or any other agreements and persons related to the Stadium Manager, in addition to the officers and full-time employees of the Host Organization.
    • (7)Professional baseball provisions" mean the Provisions and provisions concerning game watching specified by a baseball club that belongs to NPB and includes special cheering permission rules, etc., which are sub-regulations, as a matter of course, unless the context otherwise clearly excludes the special cheering permission rules.

Chapter 2 Game Watching Contract

Article 2 (Conclusion of a contract)
  • 1.The game watching contract shall be considered to be concluded based on the Provisions when a person wishing to watch a game has acquired a regular admission ticket.
  • 2.A person possessing a regular admission ticket may enter the stadium and watch the game at the designated seat or place according to the provisions of the regular admission ticket and based on the conditions of the Provisions and as notified by the Host Organization in advance.
  • 3.When entering the stadium, the spectator shall present the regular admission ticket for examination by a means designated by the Host Organization, and in addition, keep the stub of the regular admission ticket at all times after entering and until leaving the stadium and shall show it at the request of any staff, etc., of the Host Organization.
  • 4.An admission ticket and details concerning entry shall be specified by the Host Organization separately in addition to the provisions of Article 7.
Article 3 (Causes for refusal to sell)

The Host Organization shall not sell an admission ticket to any person to whom any of the following items apply. In addition, if a person to whom any of the following items apply obtains an admission ticket by himself/herself or through a third party, the Host Organization may refuse the entry of that person to the stadium based on Article 6.

  • (1)A person who belongs to an organized crime group or a similar anti-social group (hereinafter referred to as "Crime Groups, etc.") specified in Article 2 of the Act for the Prevention of Wrongful Acts by Members of Organized Crime Groups, etc. (Act No.77 of May 15, 1991) (hereinafter referred to as a "Crime Group Member, etc.");
  • (2)A person who has discontinued being a Crime Group Member, etc. for less than five years;
  • (3)A person who has an organizational or business relationship with Crime Groups, etc., a Crime Group Member, etc. or belongs to a group that has such relationship;
  • (4)A person who provides Crime Groups, etc. or a Crime Group Member, etc. with funds or any other benefits, or has a close relationship with them that is not considered to be socially appropriate;
  • (5)A person who obtains an admission ticket for the purpose of conducting any act violating Article 4;
  • (6)A person who received a severer penalty than a fine in connection with an act violating Article 4 in a game (including a game not hosted by the Host Organization), an act within the stadium or areas managed by the stadium, or an activity concerning organizational cheering, but for whom five years have not elapsed yet from the date of the finalization of the court's decision;
  • (7)A person who obtains more admission tickets permitted per person than the number separately specified by the Host Organization by himself/herself or through a third party (if it is a group, this provision includes all the persons who belong to the group);
  • (8)A person who is designated in Article 11 as a person to whom the Host Organization refuses to sell any admission ticket; and
  • (9)Any other person that the Host Organization has reasonable cause not to sell an admission ticket to, based on its judgment.
Article 4 (Prohibition on resale, etc.)

No person shall have a third party obtain an admission ticket through a resale (including resale through an Internet auction) or by any other means without obtaining permission from the Host Organization. This, however, shall not apply to cases where the resale is not conducted for profit or for business and based on a specific relationship, including a family member, friend, customer or any other similar person.

Article 5 (Articles that are prohibited from being brought into the stadium)
  • 1.No person shall bring the following articles into the stadium except for cases permitted by the Host Organization.
    • (1)Guns and swords, fireworks, firecrackers, powerful drugs or any other dangerous articles;
    • (2)Articles that are likely to prevent other spectators' watching of game by emitting foul odors, making a noise loud enough to disturb the watching of game or in any other ways;
    • (3)Bottles, cans, iceboxes and any other similar articles;
    • (4)Pets and any other animals (excluding guide dogs, hearing dogs, etc.);
    • (5)Articles that have the aim of gaining an excessive number of seats;
    • (6)Any other articles that are designated separately by the Host Organization or the Stadium Manager.
  • 2.In order to ensure the effectiveness of the preceding Paragraph, the Host Organization may request, upon entry to the stadium, that spectators open their handbags, bags or any other articles and present the contents and may also inspect any hand luggage.
Article 6 (Refusal of entry)

Host Organization may refuse entry to the stadium of any person to whom any of the following items apply.

  • (1)A person who has no regular admission ticket or refuses to present it;
  • (2)A person who falls under Article 3, Causes for refusal to sell;
  • (3)A person who tries to bring in prohibited items specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 5 or does not respond to a request of hand luggage inspection specified in Paragraph 2 of the same Article;
  • (4)A person who violates a prohibited act specified in Article 8 or is likely to do so;
  • (5)A person who is extremely drunk;
  • (6)A person who disturbs the smooth progress of the game or is likely to do so;
  • (7)A person who carries out an extreme act to prevent other spectators from watching the game or is likely to do so; and
  • (8)Any other person, whom there is proper cause to refuse entry to the stadium according to the judgment of the Host Organization.

Chapter 3 Watching of the Game

Article 7 (Entry and Leaving)
  • 1.pectators may enter the stadium after the time designated by the Host Organization and shall leave the stadium promptly after the game is over, following the instructions of the staff, etc., of the Host Organization.
  • 2.When watching a game, all persons shall comply with the matters to be attended to specified as appropriate by the Host Organization in addition to the provisions of the following Article and Article 9, and in addition, shall comply with the instructions of the staff, etc., of the Host Organization.
Article 8 (Prohibited acts)
  • 1.No person shall carry out the following acts without obtaining permission from the Host Organization.
    • (1)An act to occupy any seats other than the seat designated by the regular admission ticket or an act to hang out in or to watch the game in a passage, stairway, gateway, etc.;
    • (2)An act to keep an undesignated seat, standing room area, etc., that is not necessary for the person to watch the game;
    • (3)An act that is likely to disturb the game by using light flashes, light beams or other similar articles;
    • (4)An act to damage the facilities and goods in the stadium;
    • (5)An act to sell goods, conduct a campaign or advertisement, distribute a questionnaire or a handbill or any other similar act;
    • (6)An act that causes inconvenience to other spectators, managers, coaches, players, Host Organization or their staff, etc., shops or any other stadium-related parties by carrying out an act including threats, compulsion of action or inaction, violence,slander or libel;
    • (7)An act to solicit other spectators for money or goods or any other benefits concerning the gaining of seats, cheering, watching the game, etc.;
    • (8)An act of intrusion into the grounds, an act to throw things at the spectator seats, the concourse, grounds, etc., an act to climb a fence, ditch, stockade, handrail, net, etc. or hang from them, an act to lean out into the grounds or any other acts that are likely to cause danger to the life, body or property of himself/herself or other spectators;
    • (9)An act to enter prohibited areas including the grounds, back screen, etc.;
    • (10)An act to hold a feast, party, gambling, mahjong, etc., that are not appropriate for watching a game;
    • (11)An act to shout or freely make a noise outside the stadium;
    • (12)An act to violate the rules of the stadium management specified by the Stadium Manager and matters to be attended to as notified by posting on bulletin boards in the stadium and by other means;
    • (13)An act to disturb the smooth progress of a game or prevent other spectators from watching a game or act that is likely to do so;
    • (14)An act to use an admission ticket for crime;
    • (15)An act to cause damage to other spectators by chasing a ball or for any other reason; and
    • (16)An act to go against the instructions of the staff, etc., of the Host Organization.
  • 2.Any person who has violated the provisions of the preceding Paragraph (in the case of a group, all the group members; the same shall apply with regard to the rest of this Paragraph) or any person who, according to the judgment of the staff, etc., of the Host Organization, has reasonable cause that is deemed to be equivalent to the causes specified in the preceding Paragraph, shall comply with any matters instructed by the staff, etc., of the Host Organization including the presentation of his/her identification card or his/her facial image.
Article 9 (Cheering activities)
  • 1.No person shall perform any cheering activities listed in the following items when watching a game without obtaining the permission of the Host Organization.
    • (1)Cheering using trumpets, drums, gongs, flutes or any other musical instruments or similar articles;
    • (2)Cheering using a cheering flag, banner, etc. that is likely to disturb the watching of the game by other spectators;
    • (3)Cheering by a group in a way that organizes the spectators or controls the cheering of spectators; and
    • (4)Any other cheering in a way separately designated by NPB.
  • 2.In cheering a game, all persons shall comply with matters to be attended to specified as appropriate by the Host Organization, and in addition, shall obey the instructions given by the staff, etc., of the Host Organization.
  • 3.The standards and procedures for giving permission as specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article shall be set forth separately by the Organization.

Chapter 4 Measures Regarding Violations

Article 10 (Measures for ejection from the stadium)
  • 1.If any of the following items applies to a spectator, the Host Organization may order the spectator concerned to leave the stadium even during the game or under any other conditions. If, however, the spectator promptly resolves the reason to leave the stadium and it is judged that the degree of inconvenience that the spectator caused to other spectators is slight, the Host Organization may give respite from the order to leave the stadium.
    • (1)If a cause for refusal of the sale of an admission ticket specified in Article 3 applies to the person concerned;
    • (2)If a person brings into the stadium a prohibited article specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 5;
    • (3)If a cause for refusal of the entry specified in Article 6 applies to the person concerned;
    • (4)If a person violates a prohibited act specified in Article 8;
    • (5)If a person or a group who has obtained permission based on Article 9 deviates from the scope of the permission or carries out an act that violates the conditions accompanying the permission;
    • (6)If a person does not comply with the instructions given by the staff, etc., of the Host Organization; and
    • (7)If the Host Organization judges that the person concerned should leave the stadium for any reason that is deemed to be equivalent to the reasons specified in any of the preceding items.
  • 2.If the spectator does not leave the stadium in spite of an order to leave the stadium by the staff, etc., of the Host Organization in cases where the Host Organization judges that it is proper to make the spectator leave the stadium, the Host Organization may report this to the police or take measures to prompt the spectator to leave the stadium to the extent that it is appropriate to do so.
Article 11 (Designation of persons to whom refusal to sell an admission ticket applies)
  • 1.If a person brings in a prohibited article, violates a prohibited act, carries out prohibited cheering activities, violates these Provisions or makes a false or misleading statement in the procedures concerning these Provisions (if a group does such an act, the group member), and the Host Organization judges that such act is malicious, the Host Organization shall designate such violator (if the violator is a group, the group member) as a person to whom the Host Organization shall refuse to sell an admission ticket as specified in Article 3.
  • 2.In the cases specified in the preceding Paragraph, if such violator belongs to a cheering group, according to the circumstances, the Host Organization shall designate any person who is a member of such group or who was a member of such group at the time of the violation or a member of any other group that belongs to the same association as the said group as a person to whom the Host Organization shall refuse to sell an admission ticket as specified in Article 3.
  • 3.In cases where a person who falls under Items between 1 to 7 and Item 9 of Article 3 belongs to a cheering group, according to the circumstances, the Host Organization shall designate a person who is a member of such group, a member of any other group that belongs to the same association as the said group and a person who used to belong to the same group or the association at the same time as the person to whom this Paragraph applies to, as a person to whom the Host Organization shall refuse to sell an admission ticket as specified in Article 3.
  • 4.No person may raise any objection to the judgment made by the Host Organization based on the preceding three Paragraphs.
  • 5.A person who is designated as the person specified in Paragraphs 1, 2 or 3 of this Article shall comply with the instructions of the staff, etc., of the Host Organization, including the presentation of his/her identification card or a facial image, etc.
  • 6. If the Host Organization judges that a person who is designated as the person specified in Paragraphs 1, 2 or 3 of this Article reflects on his/her act and that there is no likeliness that such person will repeat the violation, the Host Organization may absolve the person concerned from such designation upon consultation with the Professional Baseball Crime Groups, etc. Exclusion Measures Conference.
  • 7.If the Host Organization judges that it is necessary in order to judge whether to absolve the person concerned from the designation mentioned in the preceding Paragraph, the Host Organization may set a period for monitoring developments for a particular game or games during a particular term and add a condition that the behavior of watching the game or cheering shall be good during such monitoring period.

Chapter 5 Refund, etc. of the Admission Fee

Article 12 (Refund of the admission fee)
  • 1.No refund of the admission fee shall be made in cases where entry is refused according to Article 6, or measures are taken to leave the stadium according to Article 10
  • 2.In addition to the provision specified in the preceding Paragraph, the conditions and details for the refund of the admission fee shall be specified by the Host Organization separately. The refund of an admission ticket other than a regular admission ticket, however, shall not be made regardless of the reason of refund.
Article 13 (Limitation on liability)
  • 1.The Host Organization and the Stadium Manager shall not be responsible for the compensation of the following damage that spectators may suffer. This, however, shall not apply to cases where such damage is caused for reasons attributable to the Host Organization, staff, etc., of the Host Organization or the Stadium Manager.
    • (1)Damage caused by a home run ball or foul ball, or any other damage caused by activities of game, fan service or practice;
    • (2)Damage caused by other spectators including riots and disturbances;
    • (3)Damage caused by the stadium facilities;
    • (4)Damage caused by an act by the spectators in violation of these Provisions, any rules specified by the Host Organization or instructions of the staff, etc., of the Host Organization;
    • (5)Damage caused by the refusal of entry as specified in Article 6 or measures for ejection from the stadium as specified in Article 10; and
    • (6)In addition to the items listed above, damage that occurs in the stadium and areas under its control on the occasion of watching a game.
  • 2.In the case of the proviso mentioned in the preceding Paragraph, the scope of any compensation of the damages that the Host Organization or Stadium Manager shall pay shall be limited to direct damage including treatment fees, etc. and shall not include lost profits or any other indirect damage or particular damage. This, however, shall not apply to damage caused by an intentional act or gross negligence of the Host Organization, staff, etc., of the Host Organization or the Stadium Manager.
  • 3.Spectators shall constantly and carefully observe the course of the balls during practice, home run balls, foul balls, balls thrown in for fan service, etc. and shall pay sufficient attention so that he/she does not suffer any damage.

Chapter 6 Other Provisions

Article 14 (Detailed provisions)

Any other detailed provisions concerning game watching shall be specified by the Host Organization separately.

Article 15 (Jurisdiction)

The sole jurisdiction of the court of first instance for any dispute between the spectators and Host Organization concerning the game watching contract shall be, according to the petitioned amount, the district court or the summary court situated in the location of head office of the Host Organization.

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

Article 16 (Effect)
  • 1.These Provisions shall come into force on February 4, 2010.
  • 2.These Provisions may be revised by the Host Organization even during the period of the annual league championship games and the revised Provisions shall apply to the game watching contract concerning any game to be held after the effective date of such revision.
Article 17 (Acts before the Provisions come into force)

If an act that is carried out before these Provisions come into force should have fallen under the provisions of Paragraphs 1, 2 or 3 of Article 11 if these Provisions were applied, the Host Organization may designate the person concerned as a person to whom the Host Organization refuses to sell an admission ticket as specified in Article 3 according to Paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 11.

Rules on Permission for Special Cheering

NPB shall specify the rules concerning special cheering (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") based on the provisions of Article 9 of the Provisions of the Game Watching Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Provisions") as follows.

Article 1 (Purpose)
  • 1.These Rules specify the standards and procedures for permission for cheering by a group that organizes spectators or leads them (hereinafter referred to as "Group Cheering").
  • 2.Other than the cases based on these Rules, NPB shall not permit cheering in a way specified in each item of Paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Provisions.
Article 2 (Application for permission)
  • 1.A group that wishes to carry out Group Cheering shall submit an application form for permission designated by NPB to NPB and shall obtain the permission of NPB in advance.
  • 2.A group that wishes to submit an application for permission specified in the preceding Paragraph shall describe the following items in the application form for permission designated by NPB, and shall submit it to NPB after its representative affixes his/her signature and seal to it.
    • (1)Group name
    • (2)Name of the representative
    • (3)Contact information of the group
    • (4)Number of members in the group (including persons who are always involved in Group Cheering; the same shall apply hereafter)
    • (5)A name list indicating the name, address and contact information of the group members
    • (6)Cheering form
    • (7)Any other matters requested by NPB
  • 3.If a group that wishes to submit an application for permission based on this Article belongs to an associated organization, such group shall submit to NPB a document describing the name(s) of each cheering group that comprises the associated organization, the name(s) of the officers of the associated organization and any other matters requested by NPB.
  • 4.A group that wishes to submit an application for permission based on this Article shall submit to NPB, together with the application form for permission, a document guaranteeing that none of the members of its group fall under the provisions of Article 3 of the Provisions, that it will comply with the provisions of the Provisions and these Rules and that each of the members of its group shall conduct their activities with the recognition that they are cheering leaders that serve as a role model for general spectators.
  • 5.A group that wishes to submit an application for permission based on this Article shall not make a false statement or non-statement in the application form for permission, any attachment to the application form for permission or any other related documents.
  • 6.If there arises a change in the matters described in the application form for permission or its attachment(s) after its submission based on this Article, the group shall promptly submit such change to NPB in writing.
  • 7.NPB may set the detailed rules of the application procedures for permission based on this Article as appropriate.
Article 3 (Personal Information)
  • 1.The name list and any other personal information obtained concerning these Rules (hereinafter referred to as "Name List, etc.") shall be used for the purpose of judging the cause of Article 3 of the Provisions concerning the group, understanding and managing the circumstances of cheering, operating the Provisions and these Rules, and any other related matters.
  • 2.All the information described in the Name List, etc. shall be jointly used within the scope of the purposes specified in the preceding Paragraph by NPB, leagues and club teams comprising NPB and the Stadium Manager concerning the games which these parties are related to.
  • 3.In addition to other cases permitted in laws and regulations, NPB shall supply the Name List, etc. to security companies and others, within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose specified in Paragraph 1, such as NPB, leagues and club teams comprising NPB, Stadium Manager and any third party entrusted by NPB or the Stadium Manager.
  • 4.In addition to the provisions of this Article, NPB shall manage the Name List, etc. according to the Rules to Protect Personal Information specified separately by NPB.
Article 4 (Permission)
  • 1.NPB shall, based on the application for permission specified in Article 2, permit Group Cheering to a group that, according to the judgment of NPB, it is appropriate to admit Group Cheering, based on the requirements and procedures specified by NPB, from among the groups to which none of the causes in each item of Article 5 applies.
  • 2.Any group that submits an application for permission to NPB as specified in Article 2 shall not provide or offer to provide money or gifts or other benefits to the staff, etc. of NPB or carry out any act that may cast doubt on the fairness of the application procedures for permission, concerning such application procedures for permission.
  • 3.Concerning a group to which any of the causes specified in Article 5 applies, taking into consideration the time such cause occurred, the contents of such cause, the situation of the members concerning such cause and any and all other circumstances, NPB may permit Group Cheering to such group if NPB judges that it is appropriate to do so.
  • 4.If NPB judges that it is necessary to do so in order to make a judgment for Paragraphs 1 and 3, concerning a group that submits an application for permission, NPB may permit Group Cheering experimentally for a particular game only or games during a particular period only.
  • 5.The permission specified in Paragraphs 1 and 3 shall be granted every fiscal year of league championship games by specifying a period.
Article 5 (Cause for disqualification)

If any of the causes listed in the following items applies to a group, such group cannot be granted the permission specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 4.

  • (1)A group that a group member who falls under any of the items of Article 3 of the Provisions belonged to or was involved in before, or belongs to or is involved in now;
  • (2)A group that a group member who has been ordered to leave the stadium in a game hosted by NPB or an organization other than NPB belonged to or was involved in before, or belongs to or is involved in now;
  • (3)A group that a group member who violates any of the items of Article 8 of the Provisions or is likely to do so belonged to or was involved in before, or belongs to or is involved in now;
  • (4)A group that a group member who does not comply with the conditions specified by NPB or the instructions of the staff, etc. of NPB or is likely not to do so belonged to or was involved in before, or belongs to or is involved in now;
  • (5)In cases where the group belongs to an associated organization, a group which belongs to an associated organization whose present or past officer, staff, operational manager or any other person in a similar position falls under any of the causes listed in each item of Article 3 of the Provisions;
  • (6)In cases where the group belongs to an associated organization, a group which belongs to an associated organization whose present or past officer, staff, operational manager or any other person in a similar position violates any of the items of Article 8 of the Provisions or is likely to do so;
  • (7)In cases where the group belongs to an associated organization, a group which belongs to an associated organization whose present or past officer, staff, operational manager or any other person in a similar position has been ordered to leave the stadium at a game hosted by NPB or any organization other than NPB;
  • (8)In cases where the group belongs to an associated organization, a group which belongs to an associated organization whose present or past officer, staff, operational manager or any other person having a similar position does not comply with the conditions specified by NPB or instructions of the staff, etc. of NPB, or is likely not to do so.
  • (9)Considering the actual circumstances of cheering, situation of the organization and any and all other circumstances of the group, a group that cannot be recognized to cheer for the game sincerely and also cannot be recognized to actively cooperate with NPB in game management.
  • (10)A group which has reasonable reasons to be unrecognizable as appropriate to permit Group Cheering.
Article 6 (Conditions, etc. for permission)
  • 1.Concerning the permission specified in Article 4, NPB may add conditions that, according to the judgment of NPB, are appropriate at the time of granting the permission or at a later date.
  • 2.If NPB judges that it is appropriate to do so, concerning groups that were granted the permission specified in Article 4 (hereinafter referred to as "Permitted Groups"), NPB may permit keeping seats in a certain area, and in addition, permit cheering specified in item (1), (2) or (4) of Paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Provisions, to the extent that NPB judges it to be appropriate, to ensure that the cheering of the Permitted Groups are conducted smoothly and orderly.
  • 3.NPB may change the conditions specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article and the contents of the permission specified in the preceding Paragraph as appropriate.
Article 7 (Revocation of permission)

If it is found that any of the Permitted Groups is a group that falls under Article 5 or any of the Permitted Groups or their members violate the Provisions or these Rules, or if NPB judges that it is necessary to do so, NPB may revoke the permission even if it is within the permitted period or suspend the effects of such permission for a certain period of time.

Article 8 (Nature of the permission)
  • 1.The judgment of permission, etc. based on Articles 4, 6 and 7 is based on the sole discretion of NPB and no person shall have the right to be granted permission based on these Rules, and in addition, no person shall raise any objection to or dispute the permissibility, revocation of the permission, the contents and conditions of the permission or any and all other matters based on these Rules.
  • 2.NPB shall not announce the reasons concerning the judgment of the permission, etc. based on Articles 4, 6 and 7.
Article 9 (Professional Baseball Organized Crime Group Exclusion Measures Conference)

If NPB judges that it is necessary to do so, NPB shall judge the permission, etc. based on Articles 4, 6 and 7 through consultations with the Professional Baseball Organized Crime Group Exclusion Measures Conference.

Article 10 (Compliance with the Rules, etc.)
  • 1.Permitted Groups and their members shall, under the recognition that they are cheering leaders serving as role models for general spectators, avoid any disputes with the managers, coaches, players, staff, etc. of the Host Organization, shops and any other stadium-related persons, any other cheering groups and spectators, actively cooperate in the smooth progress of the game and the safe and peaceful watching of the game by other spectators and exert their utmost efforts to cheer in a manner so that they can obtain the understanding of spectators who do not belong to such groups.
  • 2.Permitted Groups and their members shall not provide or offer to provide the staff, etc. of NPB with money or gifts or any other benefits, or conduct acts that may cast doubt on the fair operation of these Rules.
  • 3.Permitted Groups and their members shall not abuse the permission based on these Rules nor shall they carry out any acts that may raise suspicion of abuse.
  • 4.Permitted Groups shall have their members comply with the Provisions, these Rules and the conditions applicable to the permission based on these Rules.
Article 11 (Consultations and reporting)
  • 1. At the request of NPB, any of the Permitted Groups shall report matters concerning their cheering methods and manners, the status of participation by its members in cheering and other matters, consult with NPB about cheering methods, etc. and actively cooperate with NPB to achieve the purposes of the Provisions and these Rules.
  • 2.If a Permitted Group recognizes that its members fall under the cause specified in Article 3 of the Provisions or its members violated Article 8 of the Provisions, such Permitted Group shall promptly report such fact to NPB in writing.
  • 3.In addition to the preceding two Paragraphs, the Permitted Groups shall report on any matters requested by NPB in a form designated by NPB.
Article 12 (Relationship with the Provisions)
  • 1.These Rules shall be an integral part of the Provisions.
  • 2.The terms defined by the Provisions shall have the same meaning in these Rules unless the context clearly requires otherwise.